Shaktipat Ceremony & music by Maria La Nova

Space to Be, Amsterdam
€ 44,- / € 55,-


Curious about (traditional) Tantra?

The power of mystical ceremonies?

Revitalizing your own energy body?

Around the full moon we enter an ancient, Tantric meditation: Shaktipat.

The ceremony can be a mystical journey with insights, release and an expanded energetical state.

We combine this meditative ritual with a live concert, workshop or sound experience.


Using her warm, deep, sensual voice, accompanied by her dreamy (piano)sound, Maria will guide us into different dimensions within.

Maria’s music is always about getting you connected with your feelings- with your inner processes- and to help you travel. To feel and to heal deeper. Her music is a transformative experience, where you can get in touch with yourself and with your deepest desires.

Amsterdam based, Hungarian rooted artist ánd relationship therapist Maria La Nova (Marianna Kocsány), captures romantic stories in her music and songwriting. It’s no surprise her music is often about dealing with relational topics.

You can find Maria on Spotify & Instagram


Shaktipat is a traditional, mystical, Tantric ceremony. In Sanskrit, Shaktipat literally means descent of grace. Through ritual and intent we invite awareness of life energy (Kundalini) into our bodies. Resulting in a more flow, bliss and ease.

Shaktipat is a solo meditation, supported by collective energy. You will be ‘touched’ by water of the Ganga river, sacred ash, Kumkum and a third eye blessing of the Siddha lineage. Indian Vedic chants will support you into deeper meditation and prayer.

A Shaktipat can be a deeply transformational experience.


Kundalini, also referred to as life force, is the energy of your soul’s potential, rooted at the base of your spine.
Kundalini can awaken through practice (yoga, breathwork etc.), psychedelic stimulation (plant medicine etc.), spontaneous activation (birth), or through energetical transmission (Shaktipat).
We consider Shaktipat a safe way of awakening, as the lineage will ensure a smooth transition of your self-realization journey.

An awakened Kundalini can bring about massive life-transforming experiences and spiritual awakenings.


Yogastudio Space to Be is situated on the first floor of the central building as part of Rijkshemelvaart. Rijkshemelvaart is one of the eldest artist residences of Amsterdam and has a creative, raw and alternative expression to it.

There’s free parking alongside this Oude Haagseweg and also busstops with direct connections from Amsterdam Sloterdijk & Schiphol. From here it’s a 5 minutes walk up the premises of Rijkshemelvaart (no parking here).


“Via vechten als een leeuw naar de zachtheid van mijn hart.” – F

“The energy in my hands was increased enormously yesterday. I had a huge insight, and was able to feel myself more deeply. I feel much softer, and more relaxed.”- AK

“Shaktipat ceremony, amazing energy still after 2 days. No entheogens required. Just sitting there made me arrive to that beautiful warm place where I can see more than my eyes, where there is no up, down or sides. It just is. I was the person shouting, the woman moaning, the neighbour breathing. I was all of them. For seconds, I saw me as a friend of the Whole. This I keep forever until then.” – Omar Camara Ramirez

“What the fuck ???? ! Grateful, so very grateful.” – M


Friday, February 23th with Dana Devi, Chapel Haarlem
Sunday, March 24th
Sunday, April 21th
Wednesday, May 22nd
Friday, June 21th with Avi Adir
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